Risk Is Our Business
SM Hillman is a speculative fiction writer, game designer, and cynical observer of the human animal. Your mileage will vary. Kirk has a...
What Magic System? Gaming & Writing, Part 1
This is Part 1 of my series on Gaming & Writing. I am hoping to make it a weekly thing, a Friday feature as such, but we shall see what...
This Week In Indies - Jan 29th
I will be on This Week In Indies this Sunday! That is today. Come watch some great authors (and me) talk about writing. I appreciate the...
New Year Part 2... Grief over Stuff
Well this was more than a few days after the first post, but then I suppose you are used to that by now. I thought a lot about the things...
Its 2023... Oh Poo!
The year 2023 has opened with a giant middle finger. Fortunately I am well prepared emotionally for these kinds of existential exchanges....
SM Hillman's Top 10 Horror Movies
I know its Christmas and this was two holidays ago. You should know by now, I don't give a... I read an article claiming to know what Rob...
Trying Something New...Again (Oct 2022)
Time for some real talk. Happy Halloween. Okay now time for real talk. I have a problem finishing. No, you naughty lot, not like that!....
Multiverse 2022 - A Whole Lotta Trouble... The Good Kind
It is October and this means time at Multiversecon. For those of you who are new or did not know, I am the PLAY track director for...
I want to Write Shi..Stuff this Weird
Have you ever watched Space 1999? I mean really watched it? Or the kissing cousin, UFO? If you have not, I cannot urge you enough to run...
Look What I Did
I was on the Sunday This Week In Indies, where we talked about the writing process, focusing on the dichotomy of Plotting vs. Pantsing....